Sunday, 27 September 2009

“Seven Wonders”

So it’s been exactly a month since I last had a cigarette or an alcoholic drink. I’ve done it cold turkey, and I feel great (physically) but the not entirely unexpected side effect has been that I’ve become rather short tempered. Basically, I’ve gone from being a chilled out entertainer to feeling homicidal whenever I am around total morons. The only thing that is calming me down whenever I encounter idiots is Fleetwood Max Greatest Hits. I am not kidding.
I carry a tiny iPod shuffle (with Seven Wonders cued up) in my jacket pocket, and whenever I feel myself wanting to punch someone in the face, I stick my headphones in and soak up Stevie Nicks’ faintly ridiculous vibrato and I feel instantly better. I hope if you’re having a stressful Tuesday, it’ll have the same effect on you.

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